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AnnMarie Kuzel. Sweetland Center for Writing Portfolio.

There is a long list of things that I am: a student, a peer, a goal-setter, a Chicagoan, a music fanatic, a writer. This list of identities continues, essentially endlessly, and is not fixed. One identity, however, has defined me from my earliest years and will continue to for as long as I have ideas, thoughts, and passions; I am a writer and will always be a writer. Writing has allowed me to communicate with audiences while understanding myself. Writing has been a form of self-expression and a creative outlet. In all of my future endeavors, I hope to be able to incorporate my writing abilities.


This website is a compilation of my writing capabilities, including assignments I have completed for my Writing minor at the University of Michigan, as well as pieces I have written for various academic organizations and recreational blogs. Each page possess a description of the writing assignment featured, a reflection of the writing process, as well as copy of each finalized writing assignment. I hope that my writing can demonstrate to my audience the same infinite power, beauty, and potential of language that I have discovered and admire so much.

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